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42 ways to Distribute Srila Prabhupada’s Book

VERY GOOD TIPS – can try one or few or all…..
Down To Earth Book Distribution (Book Distribution Simplified)
Here are 42 easy ways to Help Distribute More Books!
YOU can.
1. Always keep a small book in your purse, bag, or backpack. That way anytime the conversation goes towards Krsna, you can pull out the book, if even just to show them a picture.
2. Leave books in waiting rooms at the doctor’s office, laundry mat, or any place where people have to wait and can happily read something. Write or stamp inside the book “Please take” or “Free Gift”.

3. Give books to people who come to your house to make deliveries, fix things, etc.
4. Give books as gifts for any occasion, like birthdays, weddings anniversaries, engagement parties, home openings, graduations, etc.
5. Ask local Indian/ Asian market if they will display and sell your books.
6. Donate books to a local library.
7. Ask local health food shops if they will display and sell books.
8. Ask at a local import shops or new age shops if they will display and sell books.
9. Book a booth at any local fairs or events.
10. Lay a blanket on the grass in the local park, with books on top, and sing kirtans to attract people.
11. Sell the books to a used book shop.
12. Approach local book shops about selling the books.
13. Distribute books to co-workers.
14. Give books to family members.
15. Give books to friends and/or classmates.
16. Go to events, where large crowds have gathered.
17. Spend a bit of time in the spiritual/ religious section of any book shop and make conversation with people looking for books on these topics.
18. Go on harinama sankirtana and distribute books to the people who stop to watch.
19. Approach people waiting at bus stands, subways, train stations.
20. Distribute books to shop keepers you regularly shop with.
21. Get a permit to setup a book table.
22. Go door to door.
23. Check for any yoga or similar clubs at your local university. If there isn’t one, start it.
24. Approach yoga centers in your community. Ask if you can display books there or have a program there.
25. Distribute prasadam and display books.
26. Donate books to be put in hotel rooms.
27. Ask an experienced book distributor to take you out on book distribution.
28. When you are travelling by train in India, join the local temple sankirtan party.
29. Make a book distribution buddy. Commit to getting together once a week or so and distributing books together.
30. Ask people working in shops if they would like a book.
31. Approach business owners (especially Indians) and ask if they would like to buy books in bulk to distribute to employees.
32. Start a book table at your University or College campus.
33. Whenever you distribute a book, or even if you don’t make sure to be very friendly and have a sweet smile. When people are pleased with you they will come back for more.
34. You can distribute books on e-bay, Amazon, or other websites like those.
35. Distribute through flyers: Create and distribute flyers that have the website (or your local temple book shop). Include pictures, excerpts, testimonials, your local number, website, and email.
36. Take people’s e-mails, and don’t “sell” the books, but inform and inspire them to take.
37. Next time you take a flight; just place a couple books in the magazine pockets of the seats. The next group of passengers will be in for a pleasant surprise.
38. Leave books on the magazine tables in reception areas of businesses, professional offices, and other establishments.
39. If you can’t distribute books yourself, help someone who already is for example, you can buy books for them to distribute.
40. Assist devotees who want to distribute books by covering their other temple services etc.
41. You can get a street address listing from some phone companies. You could choose any little town that may never have a chance to see devotees or you may want to take responsibility for a particular section of a larger city. Set aside a small portion of your monthly income and send out a few books each month until you’ve covered your chosen area.
42. Setup a cake sale or cookie sale at work or in the town, for every donation to the prasadam include the cost of the book as a “free” incentive.

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